Kristin Kahle is a Certified HealthCare Reform Specialist (CHRS), she is currently the Senior Vice President and General Manager for Benefits eXchange Alliance (BXA) and runs the San Diego and Hawaii office. She is also the Compliance Officer for BXA.
Kristin was our featured speaker this week (April 25, 2013) at our Thursday Insights program
Below are some highlights and important points from the presentation:
Key components when considering Employer considerations for Health Care:
- Determining Full Time Status
- Management of Hours Worked
- Coverage Availability
- Affordability Determination
- Reporting and Reconciliation
- Taxes, Fines and Penalties
- Employee Communication and Compliance
Key terms and definitions when considering Management of Hours Worked:
- Look-back determination- a defined period of not less than 3 but not more than 12 consecutive calendar months.
- Initial Measurement period- between 3 to 12 months, measures the hours of service completed by the new employee during that period of time. Established by the employer.
- Ongoing Employee- employee who has been employed by the employer for at least one complete standard measurement period.
- Variable Hour Employee- new employee that hours cannot be determined
- Administration Period- follows the standard measurement period and may last up to 90 days.
- Stability Coverage Period- the period after measurement, would be treated as a full-time employee, regardless of the employee’s number of hours of service during the stability period. 6 months is not shorter in duration than the measurement period.
- Seasonal Employee- employer’s workforce exceeds 50 full time employees for 120 days or fewer during a calendar year.
Note: The PowerPoint presentation below will be available on tihs blog post and downloadable for you until May 3rd, 2013
Click on the "arrow" icon in the bottom right corner of the window above to Download the hard copy of the PowerPoint presentation.
The FULL DIGITAL PROGRAM including Audio MP3 and a Note-taking worksheet will be available in the SCI Digital Store on May 5th, 2013.